
“I have recently come to the end of a nine month period of online coaching with Matt.  I have a lengthy history of general strength and fitness training and I attended the inaugural Eastbourne Bootcamp some 4 years ago.

My training had become a little static, progress had stalled and I was looking for some direction in this area, so I employed Matt as my coach and entrusted all my workouts and nutrition to him.

Matt identified what was needed and made small progressive changes that enabled me to grow in confidence with what were for me, major changes nutritionally. The training sessions he prescribed were always challenging and varied but I could always see the reason behind everything I did, they were constructively edging me towards my goals.

Matt is a great motivator, his interpersonal skills are second to none and he always remained totally focussed on me. So nine months on, I’ve gained SO much from this experience. I hit all of my goals and then some – especially my in my strength.

I also weigh in 10 kgs heavier and feel great for it – Thanks Matt for the awesome service!”