Mikey P.

“I first saw Matt nearly two years ago.  I had been signed off work with depression and was concerned that my fitness level had deteriorated.  I was also suffering with painful knees.

I started to work with Matt in one to training sessions.

Matt assessed me and became apparent very quickly that I could not squat my own body weight without serious knee pain.

My coordination was so bad that I struggled to organise my spine into any type of safe hinge position.

I can now lift weights which were beyond me before and totally pain free!

I can press a 16kg Kettlebell, Swing a 24kg, Deadlift 80kg and can Goblet Squat 40kg.

My overall strength and fitness has improved dramatically.

I had seen Matt competing in the Fan Dance events he participates in over the Brecon Beacons and it sparked an interest in me last year. 2017.

I asked Matt if he thought I could do it and he said he thought I could.

With Matt’s help I trained for and completed the Clean Fatigue Fan Dance in July 2018 in the Brecon Beacons.

A life time achievement over a 24km course that takes in 2 ascents of Pen Y Fan €“ the highest mountain in the Brecon beacons and is used as part of Special Forces selection test marches.

I thought that at the age of 58, this type of fitness training was beyond me.  How wrong could I have been! Thanks Matt for showing me the way!

I continue to train with Matt under his expert coaching and am looking forward to taking on the Fan Dance again in 2019!”